2024 – Turbulence spreading control by edge ExB shear profile modification

Turbulence spreading control by edge ExB shear profile modification

2024 Research Campaign, Frontier Science

Purpose of Experiment

The purpose of this full day experiment is to (a) measure turbulence intensity flux and control turbulence spreading by varying the edge ExB shear strength in transport limited pedestals of wide-pedestal QH-mode and (b) quantify the effect of turbulence spreading on pedestal pressure profiles.

Experimental Approach

To control turbulence spreading, we will first establish good QH-mode conditions and then obtain wide-pedestal QH-mode transition by applying NBI torque ramp down. As has been shown by gyrokinetic simulations that ExB shear affects the turbulence spreading extent, we will use DIII-D’s unique rotation control techniques e.g. neutral beams and 3D coils to affect the edge toroidal rotation and ExB profiles. We will then measure the effects of various levels of ExB shear on turbulence spreading using fluctuation diagnostics which can estimate the turbulence intensity flux. The effect of turbulence spreading on background profiles will be then measured using different profile diagnostics of DIII-D.