DIII-D in the News

DIII-D in the News

The latest advances and achievements at DIII-D

Press Release: A Novel Path to High Performance Fusion Plasma: Real-Time Adaptive Control
Press Release: Triple Play: Managing ELMs for Efficient Fusion Energy
Press Release: Stopping off-the-wall behavior in fusion reactors
Nature Family Article: Discovering tungsten-based composites as plasma facing materials for future high-duty cycle nuclear fusion reactors (Marchhart et al.)
Press Release: GA Scientists Achieve Key Requirement for Economic Fusion Energy
Seven men stand in front of computer screens with data
Press: DIII-D gets supercomputing access through the DOE’s high-speed data network
Media: Scientists working on clean energy by recreating the sun in a San Diego lab
A map of CA with orange and white lines connecting hubs denoted by circles
Press Release: DIII-D National Fusion Facility, NERSC, and ESnet Collaboration Speeds Nuclear Fusion Research
Two scientists stand inside a vacuum chamber with a large cylindrical post in the center
Press: Upgrades in place, San Diego’s nuclear fusion facility is back up and running
An engineer in a blue jumpsuit uses tools in a narrow opening inside a vacuum vessel
Press: DIII-D, San Diego’s Nuclear Fusion Lab, is Back Online After Nearly a Year
An engineer in a yellow jumpsuit works on tiles
Press: DIII-D upgrades to shape the future of magnetic fusion energy research
Nature Portfolio Article: Highest fusion performance without harmful edge energy bursts in tokamak (Kim et al.)
Press Release: DIII-D National Fusion Facility Completes Upgrade
A person in a green jumpsuit uses a tool inside a vacuum vessel
Press: Overcoming Limits -- Two Seconds of Hope for Fusion Power
An empty vacuum vessel
Press: Nuclear fusion experiment overcomes two key operating hurdles
Nature Article: A high-density and high-confinement tokamak plasma regime for fusion energy (Ding et al.)
A female reporter and male scientist on a split screen
Media: Scientists: A.I. Could Help Create Limitless Clean Energy
An arrow points right from a reactor cross-section with a blue plasma cross-section containing an orange ring to a cross-section with the same plasma with a narrow black ring
Press Release: Engineers use AI to wrangle fusion power for the grid
Nature Article: Avoiding fusion plasma tearing instability with deep reinforcement learning (Seo et al.)
Media: Fusion Reactor Promises Limitless Energy
Tokamak cross-section with the D-shaped plasma facing the center post
FES Science Highlights: Inverting Fusion Plasmas Improves Performance (Nelson et al.)
Graph showing relevance versus flexibility with an arrow pointing to the upper right labeled "DIII-D"
Publication: DIII-D's role as a national user facility in enabling the commercialization of fusion energy (Buttery et al.)
FES Science Highlights: Opening the Magnetic Bottle of a Tokamak Causes Particles to Rush Inward (Logan et al.)
FES Science Highlights: Researchers Visualize Energetic Ion Flow in Fusion Devices (Du et al.)
FES Science Highlights: Islands That Move Together, Disrupt Together (Bardoczi et al.)
Diagram showing ions hitting the vessel wall, causing erosion of carbon atoms
Press Release: The Contrarian: Counterintuitive methods improve fusion plasma performance
Diagram showing the D-shape plasma of positive triangularity plasma on the left and reverse D-shape of negative triangularity plasma on the right
Press Release: Flipping Plasma Geometry at DIII-D Demonstrates Stable Pathway to Practical Fusion Energy
Black arrows pointing from left to right to indicate the magnetic field, with a red circle and a blue circle indicating atoms with nuclear spin aligned with the field
Press Release: University-national laboratory collaboration receives DOE Fusion Energy Sciences award to advance spin-polarized fusion at DIII-D, aiming to increase power output by greater than 50%
A man in orange coveralls, gloves, botties and a bonnet works inside the DIII-D vessel
Press Release: DIII-D National Fusion Facility Completes Record-Breaking 1,600-Hour Research Campaign
Color maps of the DIII-D cross-section showing the spatial relationship between perturbations and pressure
FES Science Highlights: Resistance in Walls Can Cause Disruptive Energy Loss (Strauss et al.)
Photographs showing new graphite rods and the same eroded graphite rods after high-temperature plasma exposure
FES Science Highlights: Tokamak Experiments Provide Unique Data for Validating Spacecraft Heat Shield Ablation Models (Orlov et al.)
Schematic of positive and negative triangularity cross-sections
Press Release: DIII-D National Fusion Facility Completes Highest-Powered Negative Triangularity Experiments in History of U.S. Fusion Research Program
Schematic and data for use of a Powder Injection Tube
FES Science Highlights: Blowing Dust to Cool Fusion Plasmas (Effenberg et al.)
A schematic showing off-axis beam injection
Press Release: Taking A New Angle to Boost Plasma Performance in Advanced Tokamaks
The director of DIII-D, Richard Buttery, sits in front of monitors in the control room
Press Release: In Their Own Words: Fusion Researchers Highlight Opportunities at the DIII-D National Fusion Facility
Three data panels supporting successful shattered pellet injection and a panel showing a scientist standing next to the Pellet Injector System
Press Release: Scientists Demonstrate Technique to Protect Fusion Devices from Sudden Energy Loss
An engineer uses a wrench
Press Release: DIII-D National Fusion Facility Adds Capability to Rapidly Test Key Fusion Science
A scientist uses a screwdriver to align components of a diagnostic
FES Science Highlights: Researchers Stick Out Their Necks to Understand How Fusion Plasmas Fuel Up (Rosenthal et al.)
Spectra showing the frequency of edge plasma instabilities according to wave number
FES Science Highlights: Taming the Plasma Edge: Reducing Instabilities in Tokamaks (Burrell et al.)
Experimental and theoretical data for electron orbit paths and electron temperatures
FES Science Highlights: Avoiding Chains of Magnetic Islands May Lead to Fusion Paradise (Bardoczi et al.)
Plotted data points showing the dependence of performance on divertor temperature
FES Science Highlights: For Plasma with a Hot Core and Cool Edges, Super-H Mode Shows Promise (Wilks et al.)
Schematic and photographs of the small angle slot divertor V-closure with a tungsten coating
Press Release: DIII-D Facility Adds Tool to Resolve Heat Handling in Future Fusion Power Plants
A view through a port looking into the vessel shows an operations team member working on DIII-D
Press: Nuclear fusion energy device at General Atomics coming back online