Test Off-axis Helicon Current Drive using High Beta_e Plasma coupling
2024 Research Campaign, Heating and Current Drive
Purpose of Experiment
The purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate absorption and current drive at large minor radius in the core of a high electron-beta plasma using high-power helicon waves at 476 MHz. Helicon current drive is predicted to be two to three times more efficient than outside launch ECCD at mid-radius in plasmas with high densities and high electron temperatures. The installation and commissioning of the MW-level system at DIII-D enables the first tests of this technology in reactor-relevant plasmas, where full single-pass absorption is expected. Extensive modeling of helicon CD in equilibria similar to those targeted in this proposal has been carried out, leading to the presently installed helicon system at DIII-D. The predictions converge to a 60-70 kA of volume-integrated current driven by 1 MW of fast wave power at radius rho=0.4-0.6.