Disentangle the effects of neutral and turbulence transport on pedestal structure in high opaque edge
2024 Research Campaign, Pedestal and Non/Small ELM Regimes
Purpose of Experiment
The goal of this proposal is to disentangle the effects of neutral and turbulence transport on pedestal structure at reactor-scale high opaque edge.
Experimental Approach
The experiment will leverage the newly developed neutral diagnostics (LLAMA & ALPACA, MiCER) and world-lead pedestal profile and fluctuations measurements. The proposal aims to gain physical mechanisms of pedestal structure from the following aspects: a) quantify the neutral penetration in highly opaque boundary and assess the impact of neutral effects on pedestal shift; b) quantify the turbulence transport at setting pedestal structure for both the low-k and high k turbulence; particular the correlation of pedestal turbulence on pedestal width and height scaling comparing to the theoretical prediction; c) clarify the role of magnetic shear, rho*, eta_e, eta_i on pedestal turbulence and pedestal structure at high opacity boundary.
See more details, including project leads, at U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI).