Heat flux broadening and turbulence: Er shear control with RMP scan
2025 Research Campaign, Divertor Science and Innovation
Purpose of Experiment
The SOL heat decay length, šq, is determined by turbulence spread from inside the shear layer at the edge, as proposed by Chu and Diamnond {2024]. The turbulence inside the LCFS is prevented by ExB shear from spreading towards the SOL, so if the ErxB shear is weakened, then we should see increased levels of turbulence outside the LCFS and into the SOL, widening it.
Experimental Approach
We will use a proven method [Schmitz et al, 2019] to modify the Er and thus ErxB proļ¬le by using RMP, even parity, 0 deg phasing with a maximum amplitude of up to ~ 5 kA to test this mechanism.
See more details, including project leads, at U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI).