Negative Triangularity at DIII-D

Negative Triangularity at DIII-D


A.O. Nelson et al.Vertical control of DIII-D discharges with strong negative triangularityPlasma Phys. Control. Fusion2023Published
A.O. Nelson et al.Robust Avoidance of Edge-Localized Modes alongside Gradient Formation in the Negative Triangularity Tokamak EdgePhys. Rev. Lett.2023Published
A. Marinoni et al.Nonlinear gyrokinetic modelling of high confinement negative triangularity plasmasNucl. Fusion2024Published
F. Scotti et al.High performance power handling in the absence of an H-mode edge in negative triangularity DIII-D plasmasNucl. Fusion2024Published
C. Paz-Soldan et al.Simultaneous access to high normalized density, current, pressure, and confinement in strongly-shaped diverted negative triangularity plasmasNucl. Fusion2024Published
C. Chrystal et al.Effect of rotation on negative triangularity plasmas in DIII-DPlasma Phys. Control. Fusion2024Published
A. O. Nelson et al.Characterization of the ELM-free negative triangularity edge on DIII-DPlasma Phys. Control. Fusion2024Published
K.E. Thome et al.Overview of results from the 2023 DIII-D negative triangularity campaignPlasma Phys. Control. Fusion2024Published
J. McClenaghan et al.Examining transport and integrated modeling predictive capabilities for negative-triangularity scenariosPlasma Phys. Control. Fusion2024Published
T. Bernard et al.Plasma edge and scrape-off layer turbulence in gyrokinetic simulations of negative triangularity plasmasPlasma Phys. Control. Fusion2024Published
W. Boyes et al.Novel intrinsic helical cores and MHD dynamo flux pumping evidence in DIII-DNucl. Fusion2024Published
D. Eldon et al.Characterization and controllability of radiated power via extrinsic impurity seeding in strongly negative triangularity plasmas in DIII-DPlasma Phys. Control. Fusion2024Published
L. Casali et al.Achievement of highly radiating plasma in negative triangularity and effect of reactor-relevant seeded impurities on confinement and transportPlasma Phys. Control. Fusion2025Published
S. Stewart et al.Experimental characterization of turbulence properties in negative triangularity DIII-D plasmasPlasma Phys. Control. Fusion2025Published
M. Zhao et al.Divertor Detachment Characterization in Negative Triangularity Discharges in DIII-D via UEDGE modelingUnder Review
T. Cote et al.First observations of edge instabilities in strongly shaped negative triangularity plasmas on DIII-DUnder Review
F. Scotti et al.Divertor characterization and access to dissipative divertor conditions in Negative Triangularity discharges in DIII-DUnder Review
M.E. Austin et al.Achievement of Reactor-Relevant Performance in Negative Triangularity Shape in the DIII-D TokamakPhys. Rev. Lett.2019Published
A. Marinoni et al.H-mode grade confinement in L-mode edge plasmas at negative triangularity on DIII-DPhys. Plasmas2019Published
M.A. Van Zeeland et al.Alfvén eigenmodes and fast ion transport in negative triangularity DIII-D plasmasNucl. Fusion2019Published
A. Marinoni et al.Diverted negative triangularity plasmas on DIII-D: the benefit of high confinement without the liability of an edge pedestalNucl. Fusion2021Published
S. Saarelma et al.Ballooning instability preventing the H-mode access in plasmas with negative triangularity shape on the DIII–D tokamakPlasma Phys. Control. Fusion2021Published
C. Paz-Soldan and the DIII-D TeamPlasma performance and operational space without ELMs in DIII-DPlasma Phys. Control. Fusion2021Published
D. Liu et al.Effect of anisotropic fast ions on internal kink stability in DIII-D negative and positive triangularity plasmasNucl. Fusion2021Published
Y. Ghai et al.Effects of negative triangularity shaping on energetic particle driven Alfvén eigenmodes in DIII-DNucl. Fusion2021Published
F. Sciortino et al.Investigation of core impurity transport in DIII-D diverted negative triangularity plasmasPlasma Phys. Control. Fusion2022Published
G. Yu et al.
Understanding the negative triangularity ELM trigger and ELM free state on DIII-D with ECE-imagingPhys. Plasmas2023Published
W. Boyes et al.MHD stability of negative triangularity DIII-D plasmasNucl. Fusion2023Published

2023 DIII-D Research Campaign

Learn more about the 2023 Negative Triangularity Campaign at DIII-D here.

Interested in a behind-the-scenes look at DIII-D? Join us for a virtual OR in-person tour during Fusion Energy Week (May 5-9)! Sign up for a tour here.