UG – Communication & Users’ Tools

Communication & Users' Tools


DIII-D and Theory Weekly Highlights πŸ”’

These reports are a snapshot of the most significant activities, notable achievements, key events, and standout moments in the DIII-D program.

MemosΒ πŸ”’

DIII-D memos are intended to convey programmatic information, provide updates, or outline specific instructions in a clear and concise manner.

Mailing Groups πŸ”’

This page contains a description of all the open email distribution lists that are part of the DIII-D program.


Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) Meeting πŸ”’

The SET meeting is a forum open to all team members who wish to present their research or a topic of relevance to DIII-D. During a Research Campaign, presentations are given to detail experiments performed in the previous week. This meeting is also an important channel to communicate program updates, introduce new team members, and share celebratory announcements.Β 

Pre-Operations Meeting (805 Meeting) πŸ”’

This meeting provides daily morning coordination for Operations activities and is open to all team members. During experimental operation periods, this meeting serves to provide updates on the previous day’s experiments and the plan for the current day. Experiment leaders are able to describe their completed experiment, including identifying any issues that affected completion. The Operations team, which includes Data Systems and Diagnostics teams, provides announcements and details information on system availability. Daily information updates continue to be provided outside of the operation period.

All DIII-D Monthly Meeting πŸ”’

The All DIII-D Monthly meeting exists to serve the communication needs of the program. This monthly meeting is open to all DIII-D team members and covers topics of relevance across the facility (i.e., topics that apply to both the Operations and Research groups).

Users' Programs

Social Contact Program (SoCon) πŸ”’

To support the integration of incoming students and researchers, DIII-D offers a Social Contact program (SoCon). The program ensures that every interested newcomer participates in a monthly meeting with their assigned DIII-D team member, engaging in social activities such as lunch, coffee, dinner, or virtual meetings. Through this pairing with an experienced DIII-D team member, the SoCon serves as a guide to help new team members seamlessly integrate into the DIII-D ecosystem.Β